Leave your phone on the plane? Here’s how lost and found works at Miami, Broward airports

Ever leave your jacket at an airport security checkpoint? How about your cellphone in a terminal waiting area? Leaving things behind on a plane or in an airport is more common than you might think — especially during the holidays when more people travel. And even though fewer people are expected to travel this year… Continue reading Leave your phone on the plane? Here’s how lost and found works at Miami, Broward airports

Airline baggage theft: The most common place for carry-on and checked baggage theft

airlines lost and found

The scene, Milas-Bodrum Airport in southern Turkey, just arrived. As I exit the terminal into a soggy afternoon I open my luggage to get a jacket but when I reach for the lock, there isn’t one. And one of the eyes on the zipper pulls has been wrenched apart. With a queasy feeling, I unzip… Continue reading Airline baggage theft: The most common place for carry-on and checked baggage theft

Even seasoned travelers leave money behind at TSA checkpoints

COLONIE — Seasoned travelers – like people who frequently enter courthouses – know it’s a pain to have loose change in their pockets. The best advice is to leave it home or in the car. Otherwise travelers have to dump their coins out to go through a metal detector screening. Maybe not surprisingly, not everyone… Continue reading Even seasoned travelers leave money behind at TSA checkpoints