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A toilet and cistern, an urn with ashes and a puppy – Here are some of the things that go missing at Dublin Airport
A TOILET AND cistern, an urn with ashes, a satellite dish and a puppy – these are some of the more notable items that have been handed into the Dublin Airport lost and found.
With about 80,000 passengers passing through the airport every day, it’s no surprise that a fair number of items go missing from time to time.
Airport officials estimate that about 1,100 items go missing in the airport every month (about 13,200 items every year). Dublin airport lost property
The items you would most expect to go missing in the airport turn up the most.
Each month, an average of about 100 suitcases are lost. 30 passports on average will go missing each month and 50 iPads/ laptops are lost in the airport each month.
But an analysis of Dublin Airport’s lost and found section on its website turns up much stranger items among the usual stuff. Items include:
His and hers pedometers (found on 29 October)
A Ghost Riders double vinyl record (found on 2 November)
A pink and white hammock (found on 12 July)
A “large ceramic bowl containing converse runners” (found on 29 February)
A small glass animal (found on 17 April)
A registration plate and a fishing rod
All items when found are brought to the lost and found section of Dublin Airport. People have three months and a day to claim the lost property before the airport releases them
Items like clothes are given to homeless charities to be used. Other items like iPads, phones and laptops are wiped and destroyed in order to comply with data protection rules.
Passports are returned to the relevant embassy if the owners can’t be reached.
A spokesperson for DAA – which manages the airport – said that just over half of items lost at the airport are reunited with their owners.
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