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TSA working to return lost items to passengers
TUCSON, AZ (Tucson News Now) – The Transportation Security Administration is working to shorten wait times and a lack of staffing at airports nationwide.
But as lines speed up this summer, passengers may want to be extra careful they aren’t leaving anything behind.
Laptops, phones and hundreds of dollars of change could be at the Tucson International Airport lost and found right now.
Last year the TSA collected $765,759.15 in loose change left at airport security and $9,265.25 in foreign currency.
Sky Harbor Airport lost and found collected $10,819.40 and Tucson International Airport collected $534.68.
The unclaimed money is used to improve security efforts.
For those missing something other than change, those items could be just sitting at the airport still waiting to be claimed.
Here’s how to get it back from TIA: http://tucsonne.ws/1RMBzx6
Most airports have their own lost and found of items left throughout the airport, and the TSA has a room of their own for items left at security.
Lost something at Airport or in a flight? Click here to report online
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